Sudoku puzzles require you complete a grid of numbers by placing digits in available cells so that each digit appears only once in each row, column, and boxed area. In small Sudoku, the digits 1-4 are used to fill a 4x4 grid, and in regular Sudoku the digits 1-9 are used to fill a 9x9 grid.
On this page, blank white cells are available - your goal is to fill in each blank with a valid digit. The grey cells are the fixed initial values of the grid and cannot be changed.
In the board below, if hints are turned on, then all cells that only have one possible value are highlighted in green, while cells that have conflicting values are highlighted in red. Note that the hints are updated based on the fixed values and the values that you have entered, not on the actual solution.
You can download a printable version of the regular size puzzles by clicking on the Open in Overleaf button. This will open the puzzle as a LaTeX file that can be downloaded as a PDF.